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Using Fresh Dulse Seaweed in Everyday Cooking

Incorporate fresh dulse seaweed into meals you know and love.
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Want a way to use dulse that doesn’t involve the time and effort of using a recipe for a dish you’ve never made before? Luckily, dulse is so versatile this is rarely necessary! Incorporate dulse into many meals you already know and love. Find that it adds a rich umami flavor, another layer of texture, all with the additional nutrients and excitement of fresh seaweed.

A few common dishes to add fresh dulse seaweed to:

  • STIR FRY: Add some extra umami to any typical stir fry.
  • BREAKFAST OMLETTE: Replace your spinach with fresh seaweed.
  • SMOOTHIES: Add a clump of fresh dulse into any fruit or green blend.
  • VEGGIE ROASTS: Crisp up dulse in the oven with your roasted veggies.
  • FISH TACOS: Add as a fresh garnish or sautéed for another filling.
  • FRESH SALADS: Chop dulse into smaller pieces for a vibrant crunchy addition.
  • SOUPS: Add this natural thickener to any soup for a heartier tastier broth.

Do you have a favorite dish that you add fresh seaweed to?
Share your suggestions with us in the comments below!

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